Accidents and illnesses are occupational hazards that can quickly lead to financial hardship. This blog explores the role of tradie insurance, with a particular focus on income protection.

What is Income Protection Insurance?

Income protection insurance is a vital component of tradie insurance, designed to provide a safety net for tradespeople during unforeseen circumstances.

This insurance ensures that, in the event of an illness or injury that prevents them from working, tradies can maintain a steady income stream. The peace of mind that comes with knowing one’s financial obligations will be met, even when unable to work, is invaluable.

How is Income Protection Different?

Unlike other types of insurance, such as life insurance or health insurance, income protection focuses specifically on replacing lost income rather than covering medical costs or providing a lump sum payout.

While health insurance covers medical expenses when you’re sick or injured, income protection insurance covers your income when you can’t work due to those same health issues.

The good thing is that you can have both health insurance and income protection insurance as they serve different purposes.

How Income Protection Insurance Works

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Policy Details and Terms

Income protection also called income loss insurance policies typically includes several key terms and conditions that define the scope and nature of coverage.

One of the primary terms is the benefit period, which is the duration for which the insurance will pay out benefits if the policyholder is unable to work. This period can range from a few months to several years, depending on the policy.

Another term is the waiting period, the time the insured must wait after becoming unable to work before the benefits begin. Waiting periods can vary but generally range from 14 days to several months.

Additionally, the policy will outline the benefit amount, usually a percentage of the tradie’s regular income, typically up to 75%. The definition of disability, which specifies what constitutes an inability to work, is also a critical term.

Some policies might cover only total disability, while others include partial disability, allowing for benefits if the tradie can work in a reduced capacity.

Similarly, if a tradie is getting a salary, the salary protection insurance ensures that tradies maintain their financial stability by replacing a portion of their regular income if they cannot work due to illness or injury.

Factors Affecting the Payout and Coverage Amount

Factors include the tradie’s age, occupation, income level, and health status at the time of application. Premiums are generally higher for older tradies, those in high-risk occupations, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

The chosen waiting period and benefit period also significantly impact the cost and amount of coverage; shorter waiting periods and longer benefit periods usually result in higher premiums but offer more comprehensive coverage.

Claim Process

Filing a claim for income protection insurance typically involves several steps.

  • First, the policyholder must notify the insurance provider of their inability to work due to illness or injury. This notification should be done as soon as possible, often within a specified timeframe outlined in the policy.
  • The next step involves completing a claim form and providing supporting documentation, such as medical reports, proof of income, and any other required evidence of the illness or injury.

Once the claim is submitted, the insurance provider will assess the information and may request additional documentation or medical examinations. The evaluation process ensures that the claim meets the policy’s terms and conditions. If approved, the policyholder will begin receiving benefit payments after the waiting period has elapsed.


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Exclusions and Limitations

Income protection insurance policies often include exclusions and limitations that define scenarios where benefits will not be paid. Common exclusions include pre-existing medical conditions not disclosed at the time of application, self-inflicted injuries, and disabilities arising from criminal activities.

Additionally, many policies exclude coverage for injuries or illnesses resulting from high-risk activities, such as extreme sports, unless explicitly covered.

Another typical limitation is the maximum benefit period, after which payments will cease regardless of the policyholder’s condition. There may also be limitations on the total amount payable, often capped at a certain percentage of the tradie’s income or a fixed dollar amount.

Benefits of Income Protection Insurance for Tradies

Tradie Insurance documents for income protection

Financial Stability During Illness or Injury

Income protection protects tradies financially who cannot work due to illness or injury. This type of insurance provides financial stability in the form of a steady stream of income, typically a percentage of the tradie’s usual earnings, ensuring that essential financial obligations such as mortgage payments, utility bills, and daily living expenses are met. This coverage helps tradies focus on their recovery without the added stress of financial uncertainty.

Replacement of Lost Income

Income protection insurance is specifically designed to replace a portion of the income lost due to an inability to work. This compensation is typically around 75% of the tradie’s regular earnings, providing a substantial financial cushion. By replacing lost income, the insurance helps tradies maintain their standard of living and meet financial commitments.

Additional Support Services

Beyond financial support, income protection insurance often includes access to various rehabilitation and recovery services. These services are designed to aid in the tradie’s physical and mental recovery, facilitating a quicker and more effective return to work. Rehabilitation programs may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and counselling services tailored to the individual’s needs.

By providing access to comprehensive recovery programs, income protection insurance helps tradies regain their health and return to their professional duties more swiftly. For instance, a builder recovering from a severe injury might receive physical therapy sessions covered by their insurance, accelerating their recovery process and reducing the time away from work. This integrated approach not only supports the tradie’s health but also minimises the financial impact of extended absences from the job.


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Secure your financial future today with Tradies365, the leading provider of income protection for tradies in Australia.

With Tradies365, you can ensure a steady income and peace of mind, no matter what life throws your way. Contact us now to take the first step towards safeguarding your financial stability.


Click here to get a free quote


Read More

Facts about income protection insurance

Can you claim income insurance on a tax claim?


Note: The material offered here is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legally binding advice and should not be a substitute for a consultation with an insurance expert.